Which Energy Supplier Are You? Best Energy Supplier For Millenials

We are the millennials who spent the 90’s raising Tamagochis and worrying whether Oasis or Blur was better. We are that misunderstood and maligned group that according to the Daily Mail are living an eternal youth and will never grow up.
Now, instead of waiting for an hour to download one photo or chatting with our friends on MSN messenger, we spend our time doing things which, at least on the surface, appear to be more constructive.
Grown up things.
Like trying to find the best deal on gas and electricity prices. This is better known as 'adulting': one of the biggest millennial woes (along with student debt).
Or at least - comparing gas and electricity prices and choosing which supplier is best for us is what we should be doing.
You know - if we ever get round to it.
In fact, if we’re honest most of us don’t even know who supplies our gas and electricity…and it's not really that surprising. I mean, meerkats are cute, but that’s about as far as our interest goes.
And, much like those meerkat adverts we just try to stuff it down into the back of our consciousness and hope it goes away.
However, just maybe there’s an alternative. A new breed of small independent energy suppliers are starting to appear which cater to our millennial tendencies and make energy almost as awesome as the Spice Girls first single “Wannabe” was back in 1994.
Find out which Energy supplier best suits your millenium personality. You’ll find your perfect match (and you don't even have to download Tinder!)
Best Energy Supplier for Hipsters: Bulb Energy

Suddenly the past has become cool. Ever since the 90’s evened the playing field and made the UK a classless society, hipsters have spread faster than the Tamagotchi trend took over the playground. Fetischising the past and blue collar lifestyle, hipsters are a special breed that we have all love to hate.
What better for the hipsters than a company that has tried to put the cool back into energy?
Bulb Energy hit the market in 2015 and provide the perfect mix of cutting edge startup and old school customer service. They are designed to leave hipsters salivating at the mouth.
I mean, their founders even have thick framed glasses and skinny jeans. Bulb is currently one of the best gas and electricity suppliers on the market. They have positive reviews and cheap tariffs. You can also contact them faster than your nespresso can serve up a chai latte.
Rather than spending on TV ads or billboards, Bulb’s growth has been driven by social media, word of mouth and referral marketing. You just have to take a look at their website to see that they’ve blown the budget on marketing. I mean why not follow your energy supplier on Instagram and Facebook while you sip your small-batch sustainable bourbon?
Bulb Energy use 100% renewable energy so you don’t have to worry about their environmental credentials. Better yet they are one of the cheapest Energy Suppliers on the market - they are much less expensive than the big six and cheaper than most of the other small energy suppliers currently operating in the UK. That means more money in your pocket for more interesting things - like the latest iPhone upgrade.

Interested in switching to Bulb before it's too mainstream?
Find out moreBest Energy Supplier for Geeks: Usio Energy

When we were at school, computing class consisted of sitting down in front of Microsoft Excel and learning how to make a table. And, if you were sneaky enough you’d get to draw some rude things on Microsoft paint.
Home computing on the other hand meant hours trying to download things on Napster just to get cut off when an incoming call on the home phone ruined it all.
Somehow this fertile learning ground spawned another type of millenial - the brogrammer. The epitome of trendy - career driven and without time for sleep between work and the next microbrewery. They work in startups or co-working offices with ping pong tables and playstations.
They expect the same level of dedication from their electricity and gas supplier.
Usio Energy is a new supplier which ticks a full-stack of requirements. Funky co-working office run by programmers and most importantly it is an online-only energy company. Usio is using new AI technology to help customers save money on their electricity and gas bills.
Although USIO don’t have a contact phone number this won’t phase brogrammers as they have a mobile app with a silky-smooth UI which is perfect for managing your energy while you work on creating the next unicorn startup.

Fancy being able to say that A.I calculates your energy bill?
Find out morePeople’s Energy: Champion of the Underemployed

Unlike our baby boomer parents, the job outlook for many of us looks, to put it politely, a little bleak.
We have spent longer in education than ever before. However, somehow we still end up working in an underpaid job and living in an apartment with 6 other 30 somethings. It’s like an episode of Friends - but with uglier, less funny roommates.
You may never end up the CEO of a FTSE company (okay let’s get real - any company) but you still aspire to get there.
People's Energy, a new supplier on the market, is the perfect energy company for you.
They are the first energy company in the UK to offer its customers shares in the company and even a place on the board of directors so that you can live your dreams of owning a stake in a successful company in your 30s without any risks or investments at all.
People’s Energy has generally positive reviews online and are easy to contact meaning that when you do have to call them you will be able to get things sorted more easily than the dinosaurs picked off the characters in Jurassic park.
More importantly, they can help you save money on your energy bills which means that you won’t have to eat instant ramen just to reach the end of the month.

Just itching to reduce your energy bills and get into the board room?
Find out moreBest Energy Supplier for Ecowarriors: Ecotricity

In the 90’s only hardcore environmentalists really cared about the environment. Global warming loomed on the horizon like the millenium bug. Something just visible in the far off distance but not near enough to really worry about it quite yet.
You were ahead of the game. You were vegan before it was cool and spent your weekend trying to convince your parents that they should start recycling.
If this is you, then Ecotricity is your perfect match.
They have electric vehicle charging points and electrical vehicle tariffs for your Nissan Leaf.
They also have a hand in social projects to protect animals and the environment. Ecotricity built the first ever electric car in Great Britain, sending it on a journey from Lands End to John o'Groats, only using electricity from wind turbines.
And an added bonus - they are now the only vegan electricity supplier in the UK. Yup, you heard it right - vegan. They produce all of their biogas using only plant materials as the primary material.

Want to save the planet while you make a cup of green tea?
Find out moreBest Energy Company for Anti-Millenials: Ovo Energy

When you were at school you were on top of every trend. You wore more glitter than anyone else or had the blondest frosted tips. Today you have become the anti-millenial. That’s right. The only one who has got their life sorted out.
You can probably guess that you are an anti-millennial if you read the Guardian, love the Big British Bake off and feel like you have really consolidated yourself in the middle class.
At least on Instagram.
You have your own house, maybe some investments and pity the rest of us who are slightly less put together.
Well, although you may not want to be chained to the big six suppliers like your parents were, there is a new big player on the block. Not only does it have fantastic customer reviews in 2018, it’s big enough to not pose any risks and has green energy tariffs so that you can feel good about saving the planet without having to grow dreadlocks and stop washing.
Your perfect supplier might just be Ovo Energy.
Ovo Energy is one of the UK’s most popular independent energy suppliers. They are also one of the best performing gas and electricity suppliers in 2018 and are really easy to contact so you won’t waste any precious time on the telephone.
That means that you can get on with more important things - like your retirement fund.